Thursday, October 11, 2012

Illustrated Review: Onesie Extender: EXTENDS THE LIVES OF YOUR ONESIES

My baby is tall. He was 20 inches at birth, and it has been hard fitting him in his clothes now that he is 3 months old. Most of his clothes fit him except at the crotch because of the diapers. He is staying at home now, so I could just leave buttons at the crotch undone. But he is going to day care from next month and I don't want to end up buying lots of new clothes. 

I have been looking all over the internet for a good review about onesie extenders, and I did not find any good one. I saw lots of sites showing the process of making one. These are my reasons for not doing that: I am lazy, and I don't have the patience to stitch one,I did not have any bad onesie that I could use to make one, and I needed extenders for different brands though carters is the one I mostly have.

I found these on Amazon: 

Add a Size Baby Clothes Extender 10-Pack, Onesie Extender

from One Step Ahead, which was the one with the best reviews. It did have some bad reviews too, which made me confused if it worked or not. So, I decided to make this review for parents like me. This pack had 10 extenders of which at least one type which worked with all of my baby clothes.

 I labeled them (on the back so that they would not show when I snap them onto the onesie) into 4 types, each one has two extenders except for first type which has 4 which is useful because most of my baby's clothes are Cartes
1) Carters/ First Impressions(Macy's)/ Garanimals
I tried them on different Carters and Granimals onesies and it worked on them. But it worked on one type of First Impressions and a different extender worked on the other type of First Impressions.


First Impression(Macy's):


2)Baby Sprocket/ Faded Glory(Walmart)/ Children's Place(Baby Place)/ Nike/ First Impressions(Macy's)
This works with some of the first impressions while the first type works with some.

Baby Sprocket

Faded Glory(Walmart)

 Children's Place(Baby Place)



First Impressions

3) Starting out/ Circo

Starting out:


4) Old Navy/ Baby Gap

Old Navy:

Baby Gap:

P.S. The best thing is you can use either one(first picture below) or two extenders(second picture below) together to make your baby clothes last longer. Now, that winter is fast approaching, if you wear a pant with this, no one would notice the extender inside.

P.S: Check out my YouTube Channel at :

Saturday, October 6, 2012


1) Pampers Swaddlers sensitive:

or Pampers Swaddlers

Pampers Swaddlers, Size 3 (16-28 lbs.), 164 ct. - Baby Gift Card Offer (Google Affiliate Ad)

Google Affiliate Ads

Tip: Good for babies with sensitive skin

2)Huggies Soft Skin Baby Wipes

Tip: Good for babies with sensitive skin

3) Aquaphor Eucerin for BABY (One for home and one for your diaper bag)

Tip: WONDERFUL for diaper rashes, nose or face scratches, dryness, redness or skin peel anywhere on baby's skin even head, especially babies with sensitive skin 

4) Graco Lauren Dressing Table

5) Summer Infant Contoured Changing Pad

6) Playtex Diaper Genie Elite Diaper Disposal Pail

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Breastfeeding for the first time!!!


After my c-section, I woke up and felt a sharp shooting pain. I remembered, where is my baby? Is he born? Is he ok? My hubby came in and told me that they are bringing the baby. When I first saw my baby, I was so happy and very excited to hold him. He looked so tiny. I felt so scared that I would hurt him by not holding him properly. He was a premie baby, 1 month earlier than the due date.

The nurse tried to hold him to my breast. He got all red and started to cry inconsolably. I felt so helpless , not knowing what to do to help him. This continued till we left the hospital. I felt so embarrassed breastfeeding with everybody looking on, and just wanted it over with. My baby did not know how to latch on or suck and he was crying so much. He got tired after a while and started sleeping after sucking a little bit. Each time, there was more than one nurse or lactation consultant to help my baby latch on and to keep him awake for the feedings.

It was not easy, it was a constant struggle at the beginning. There were millions of times that I felt like quitting and felt I would be a complete failure as a mom if I did.

Now when I look back, I have no idea how I survived that!!!

My baby was born at 7.5 lbs, and he went down to 6 by the second day. That night was my worst nightmare come true. I had nurses and lactation consultants constantly watching me, which made me feel like I was doing everything wrong. The physical pain from the surgery was overwhelming, but even more trying was the emotional side. I had so many people saying what I did wrong, no one told me what I was doing right. That whole night we repeatedly went through this same process: the nurse would check the baby's weight, then I would breastfeed him and they again checked his weight, I pumped and the nurse fed it to him and again his weight was checked. This went on forever. When I first pumped, I only got 2 oz. The second time was barely 1 oz. the nurse looked at me as if I had done something wrong and this only served to increase my guilt more.
The next day morning, my baby's pediatrician came and said that I had to give my baby formula which made me so upset. I was so mad that I did not even look at her the whole time she was explaining that to me. I heard the nurses saying that they did not let our pediatrician know about this on the first day as this would make her so upset.

Meanwhile, I had lactation consultants come in to check on how much of a failure I was. They had differing views on breast feeing. One person told me to try a nipple shield while the other one told me that would decrease milk. At the same time, I had lots of friends come in with little kids, and all these people would be standing there while I breasted the baby. I am a very private, private person and showing my boobs in front of everyone was not a comforting factor for me.

My baby was born on saturday and we had to stay at the hospital till Wednesday because I was running a fever of 106 till Tuesday and was on antibiotics till then. Though we were released from the hospital, I still had to take my baby in daily to check his weight. I was so relieved to be released from the hospital and go back home. But going back to the hospital daily again was a nightmare. After coming back home, my baby's weight started increasing steadily.
The next one was my baby's two week pediatrician appointment. Though my baby's weight was increasing steadily, she gave us a stack of formulas. She was stressing us out, giving us an ultimatum that he had to increase by a certain amount in one week. The very next day, we switched the pediatrician and it's been the best decision ever. When the first pediatrician held my baby, he would cry a lot, while he smiled at the second one. That was a big relief for me that I made the right decision.

For the first two weeks, we gave him formula once a day. After that, we stopped because he was increasing steadily. I check my baby's weight every day to make sure it is not decreasing. I check my weight on the sighing balance and then mine with his and subtract the two to get his.

P.S. : The best help for breastfeeding is fenugreek seeds. Soak it in water overnight and drink the water and eat the seeds the next day. It triples your supply.